Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Missions at Oak Park Pentecostals is to proclaim the whole gospel to the whole world by either sending forth
God-called men and women or supporting missionaries in their calling to the great commission.
"Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15
God-called men and women or supporting missionaries in their calling to the great commission.
"Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15

Local Missions

The Outdoor Fitness Park and Playground, a CreatINg Places program, will be built on an unused portion of our property, conveniently located and adjacent to ample parking. The addition of a paved walking trail that encircles the playground will connect adult exercise stations, allowing parents and adults to get a total workout while children safely play..
Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.

Rec Plex is a community center available to teen students, families and adults. It will be open Monday Tuesday Thursday 6-8pm and Friday 6-9pm. Rec Plex will host basketball, soccer, volleyball, pickleball and rock climbing..
The Bread Box program seeks to fight hunger in urban and rural neighborhoods located in East Central Indiana.
Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.

Emergency Homeless shelter
The homeless shelter is a collaborative effort between the city officials and Wayne County with conjunction of multiple nonprofits within the community to establish an emergency homeless shelter.
North America Missions
Oak Park Pentecostals supports
the following North American missionaries:
the following North American missionaries:
Steve green - San Francisco, CA
Joe Marratta - El Paso, TX
To learn more about North American Missions, click here.
Not from the Richmond area and interested in finding a UPCI church? Click here to find the UPCI churches in your area.
Not from the Richmond area and interested in finding a UPCI church? Click here to find the UPCI churches in your area.
Global Missions
Oak Park Pentecostals supports
the following Global missionaries:
the following Global missionaries:
To learn more about Global Missions and taking
the "whole gospel to the whole world, by the whole church"
so that every tribe and nation will know the name of Jesus, click here.
the "whole gospel to the whole world, by the whole church"
so that every tribe and nation will know the name of Jesus, click here.